Numsa Mbuyi Ngwenda Bursary Fund


N U M S A I N V E S T M E N T C O M P A N Y [PTY] LTDREG. No. 97/05691/07

The application form for the Mbuyi Ngwenda Bursary Fund is now available!


This form must be completed by a dependant of NUMSA member or staff member. The bursary will be granted for full time studies at a recognized institution within the Republic of South Africa. Grade 12 pupils and undergraduate students who would like to study full time or currently studying fulltime at a recognized South African Institution may apply. Grade 12 must be in possession of symbol C in Higher Grade, Mathematics and Physical Science or Accounting to apply for a Degree and Symbol D in Higher Grade in Mathematics and Physical Science to apply for a Diploma. Financial Need will be taken into consideration and applicants are required to attach pay slips [for both parents]. This application form must be accompanied by certified copies of academic records. Failing which the application will be disqualified. Bursaries will only be allocated for the year following the year in which the application is received and only successful applicants will be notified in writing. The closing date for the application form will be the 31st of July annually and late applications will not be accepted. An applicant who is found to have submitted false information will automatically be disqualified from being considered for a bursary. Completed application form may be posted to the Bursary Administrator, Mbuyiselo Ngwenda Bursary Fund, P O Box 787352, SANDTON, 2146. For more information contact Gezile Gumede Tel: [011] 7833578 or email: Only applications in respect of the following disciplines will be considered:- B Com Accounting, Auditing and Financial Management BSc Engineering [Degree] and National Diploma :- Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Metallurgical and Information Technology.

The appplication forms for the Mbuyi Ngwenda Bursary Fund are available for download below:-
