MOTOR: Numsa takes ‘Operation Batala’ to Mibco

Companies owe almost R100 million
Mibco region
Amount employers owe
Eastern Cape
R3.5 million
Free State
R5.5 million
Highveld/ Northern Transvaal (includes Numsa’s Wits CW, Ekurhuleni, Hlanganani, Mpumpalanga, Western Transvaal regions)
R58.7 million
Western Cape
R5.6 million
KwaZulu Natal
R12.8 million

Operation Batala was Numsa’s campaign to make sure that money deducted by employers for union subscriptions was sent direct to Numsa. The campaign was as a result of some employers deducting money from workers but not paying it across to Numsa.

But Numsa is not alone in suffering this problem. Each month motor employers are meant to send the Motor Industries Bargaining Council (Mibco) the deductions that they have made from workers’ wages. These are for union subscriptions as well as the employer and worker contributions to pension/provident funds and medical aid (Automed).

“Currently Mibco is owed almost R100 million by unscrupulous employers who do not pay the money over to Mibco and instead keep it for their businesses,” says Reginald Ntozini, a Numsa shop steward and representative at Mibco. “To make it worse, those workers could lose their benefits because their monthly contributions were not paid.”

Is your company paying correctly? Ask your company to show you proof that they are up to date with their payments.

Iphephandaba i-Motor News

Abaqashi basezimotweni bakweleta cishe izigidi eziyi-R100 eMkhandlwini Wezivumelwano Ezimbonini Zezimoto. Lena imali abayithathe kuwe yokujoyinela inyunyana, isikhwama sempesheni/sokusiza abasebenzi uma sebesempeshenini kanye nezinhlawulo zomkhandlu. Abakaze bayikhokhe emkhandlwini wezivumelwano.Uma inkampani yakho ingakakhokhi eMkhandlwini Wezivumelwano kungenzeka unganikwa imali yakho yempesheni/yokukusiza uma usuthathe umhlala phansi noma izinzuzo zomngcwabo uma ushonelwa umuntu wakho.

I-Mibco seyikhankasela ukuthi yenze ukuthi zinkampani zikhokhe. Kodwa badinga usizo lwenu. Cela inkampani yakho ukuthi ikukhombise ubufakazi bokuthi basahambisa kahle ekukhokheni kwabo.

Nuus uit die motorbedryf

Werkgewers in die motorbedryf het die Bedingingsraad vir die Motorbedrywe byna R100 miljoen geskuld.

Dit is geld wat hulle by jou sou afgetrek het vir vakbondsubskripsies, vir “˜n pensioen-/voordeelfonds en vir die Raad se heffings. Maar hulle het dit nooit aan die Bedingingsraad oorbetaal nie.

As jou maatskappy nog nie jou aftrekkings aan die Bedingingsraad betaal het nie, dan kan dit gebeur dat jy jou pensioen-/voordeelfonds geweier word, of jou begrafnisvoordele sou “˜n geliefde te sterwe kom.

Mibco veg nou om maatskappye sover te kry om te betaal. Maar hulle het jou hulp nodig. Vra jou maatskappy om vir jou te bewys dat hulle op datum is met hulle betalings.

Ditaba tsa Makoloing

Boramesebetsi ba Makoloing ba kolota Khansele ya Ditherisano tse Kopanetsweng tsa Makoloing tjhelete e ka etsang R100 miliyone.

Ena ke tjhelete eo ba e hutseng ho tswa ho wena ba re ke ya yunione, letlole la penshene/provident le khansele. Empa bona ha ba eso e fetisetse khanseleng ya ditherisano tse kopanetsweng.

Haebe khampani ya hao ha eso lefe tjhelete e hutsweng moputsong wa hao Khanseleng ya Ditherisano tse Kopanetsweng moo o ka hanelwa ka letlole la penshene/provident kapa dibenefiti tsa lepato ha ho ka ba le e mong eo o mo ratang ya ka hlokahalang.

Mibco jwale e na le letsholo la ho etsa hore dikhampani di lefe. Empa ba hloka thuso ya hao.

Kopa khampani ya hao e ho bontshe bopaki ba ntse ba lefa tjhelete ena.
