Strike Season: R4m payout on hold

The last Numsa News reported that close to 6 000 workers at Denel, were to pocket R4m in lost wages.

This was after the company opted to pay workers 50% of what it owed them for the past two years as a result of a wage exemption. The company was supposed to pay out R2m at the end of June 2005 and another R2m in December 2005. All the amounts were to be divided equally amongst Denel employees irrespective of their wage categories.

However, Solidarity Union has put the payout on hold. It says that most of its members are in higher categories and believes that its members should receive a bigger share.

The agreement states that all the unions must agree on the R4m payment. If there is no agreement amongst the unions, the matter will be referred to arbitration at the bargaining council.

Numsa has objected to Solidarity’s refusal to sign because it delays payment. Numsa believes that Solidarity is taking advantage of its membership majority and is thus stalling progress on the payments.
