Shopfloor: Columbus Stainless Steel back at work

The strike at Columbus Stainless Steel members was settled after Numsa signed a five-year agreement and workers scored a wage increase ranging between 5% to 16% in 2003 and assessment bonus of 70%. Wages will increase based on an additional maximum incentive value. The incentive value will be based on individual workers actual pay rate. Workers could earn over and above their normal pay.

The parties further agreed on the following issues:

Skill grades will be reduced over the years.
Transformation and promoting Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) that will include equity, skills affirmative action, enterprise development and social development.
Removal of discriminatory clauses in the policies of the company.
Numsa members will be allowed to move to the Metal Industries Provident Fund between November 1 and December 31 this year.

A Columbus worker and cartoonist gives vent to his frustrations during the strike! Mabhena is Columbus ‘ HR manager.
