A 15th anniversary never to forget

"A night of extreme extravagance and a beautiful evening," is how Numsa's Western Cape regional chairperson described the region's recent 15th Anniversary banquet.

Expressing his gratitude to the organising committee for a job well done, he said that "October 11 will never be the same again!"

It was a night for Numsa members and their spouses and friends to enjoy a night of entertainment.

First the Rosmead Primary School dancers took to the floor as they danced to the music of African dream, and they were a true African dream.

And they were followed by other entertainers that were all 'home-grown' – they were all linked in one way or another to Numsa.

Oscar Cloete, 11-year-old son of regional organiser Karl entertained guests with his classical jazz music. Jonathan Butler had better watch out – Cape Town is producing more stars.

The band Falcon's lead singer is a Numsa Shopsteward; Blac Shuga is managed by a Numsa shopsteward, and the manager and lead singer of the jazz band, Airborne, is an ex-Numsa member, he did his apprenticeship with Tony Erhrenrich – what a reunion for them!

And it didn't stop there. Latin ballroom dancers were the kids of one of our members and one of them represented South Africa at international dance competitions.

All the participants in the Ms Numsa personality were from the different locals in the region.


The highlight of the evening was the awards for shopstewards and staff with more than 10 years of service. Shopstewards' wives also received gifts from Numsa to show its appreciation for their patience and support towards their husband's involvement for the past 10 years.

The following comrades received awards – Omar Gire – shopsteward at John Thompson Africa and national treasurer; Stephen Cooksen – shopsteward at Union Structural;

Willy Bailey – shopsteward at Gabriels South Africa; Prinsloo Nkopo – shopsteward at Beukman Fibre; Jefrey Jones – shopsteward at Henred Fruehauf Trailers now S.A. Truck; Davy Sarilina – shopsteward at Consolite; Andre Jonathan – shopsteward at Foodcan and ex-Boland local chairperson; Albert Muller – shopsteward at Crown Cork now Carnaud current Bellville local chairperson; Fred Petersen – Regional Secretary; Nikita Vazi – Regional legal officer; Diana Lombard – Regional Administrator; Denise Fester – Administrator in the regional office; Thandi Frans – Administrator in the regional office; Caroline Parks – Administrator in the South Western Districts.

One of the guests and photographer, Charles Amos a shopsteward, said "Well done to my region. The banquet was a true reflection of collective teamwork, our comrades really enjoyed the socialising factor and I think it will help with recruitment in our factories."

Comments from ex-Numsas

The region also invited all ex-Numsa REC delegates and staff to the banquet. Some like Percy Thomas, an ex Vice President and sector co-ordinator, could not be there but sent messages of support instead:

"Let me congratulate the members of Numsa, its officials who collectively have made this union a significant force well respected internationally. Fifteen years is a long time but thanks to you, future generations of metalworkers will build on your foundation. They must stand proud knowing that they created a home for metalworkers that have taken seriously their responsibilities beyond the shopfloor. May Numsa continue to grow form strength to strength".

Comments from the party-goers

"It was great Western Cape, we are proud of you, do it again for renewal," said Eastern Cape Numsa comrades.

"Make it an annual event," was ex-Numsa regional secretary, Adrian Sayers' suggestion. "And levy those wealthy ex-Numsa people with a party tax and make sure that people like Alec Erwin are on the guest list! >From this a trust fund can be established to support promising talent such as guitarist Cloete Jnr."

Comrades for the sake of renewal let's involve our members, their families and friends to build the organisation beyond meetings in our boardrooms, let's show them we do care and organise events that all can enjoy.


Numsa News
